The key to staying motivated is to know where your problem areas are and have a plan for dealing with them. Do you use food to cope with disappointment, rejection, boredom, or even personal success?
Brainstorm some healthier ways to cope with mood swings that do not involve food. In addition, control your environment to avoid bingeing on non-jumpstart foods when you do feel disappointed, rejected, or bored. Keep your kitchen stocked with lots of healthy options such as herbal teas, dark chocolate, green apples, baby carrots and other veggies, salsa, and avocados.
After 20-30 minutes of cardio do the AWESOME ARMS workout! Level One-1 cycle of 20 reps. Level Two-2 cycles of 15 reps. Level Three-3 cycles of 10 reps (the weight should be heavy enough that you CAN NOT perform more than 10 reps).
End with our TBFC Warrior Series
Stand in prayer
Inhale, and step back to Warrior One
Exhale, and bring the arms down to Warrior Two
Inhale, and reach back to Reverse Warrior
Exhale, down to Side Angle
Inhale back to Reverse Warrior
Exhale, Warrior Two
Inhale, Warrior One
Exhale, step forward to Standing Prayer and repeat on the other side.
After 30-minutes of cardio….Repeat the strength exercises 3 times from top to bottom and end with the Yoga Series.
Kick Off Tip: Your Health is your responsibility. If you’ve noticed we can’t depend on the research studies and the news reports. The research firms are hired by companies with their own private agendas. I encourage you to start doing some research on your own. Some suggestions I admire and trust are David Wolfe, Kris Carr, and Natalia Rose. All great living examples of what eating this way can do for our body and life. This will also help keep you motivated to eat healthy. 🙂
Todays Meal Plan:
Upon Waking: Warm Water with Lemon
First thing in stomach: Green Lemonade
(note: if you are a coffee drinker you are going to love our TBFC Coffee and can have this at this time)
15-30 minutes later: Grapefruit (as much as you like)
Take in a Probiotic: Kombucha is great!
2-3 hours later….
Lunch: Heavenly Hash-browns with steamed Aspragus (make extra if you like to snack)
Dessert: Herbal Tea with 1-2 squares 80% Dark Chocolate
2-3 hours later: Have more of what you had for lunch or Green Lemonade
Dinner: Start with Raw Goat Cheese or any Raw Cheese and have with sliced tomatoes and a glass of red wine if desired. This will curb your appetite and relax you as you prepared dinner.
Main Course: Mexican Fiesta Soup with Grilled Chicken
Dessert: Herbal Tea with 1-2 squares 80% Dark Chocolate