Guilt-free Cheesecake
2014-02-04 07:57:17

- 2 cups raw cashews – soaked 6 to 12 hours
- 1-2 tbsp olive oil (optional)
- Celtic sea salt (1/2 teaspoon)
- Juice of 1 lemon
- Sweetener of your choice (We use 1 tbsp honey but 2 pitted medjool dates would work well too)
- Blend in Vitamix / blender until completely smooth
- Add a little water slowly until desired consistency.
- Can also be done with cashews that have not been soaked. In this case, blend cashews into powder first in Vitamix, Nutri-bullet, or coffee grinder.
- Place in refrigerator or freeze.
- Top with your favorite fruit. 🙂
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