Start today with a 200 calorie burn towards #TBFCsexyfitin14. ♥ Follow with your #TBFCbootie Workout. ♥ Do 15-20 reps and repeat 2-3 times.
Bootielicious Workout:
Everyone want’s a nice firm round butt. Here are my top 5 exercises to give you the bootielicious bootie you’ve always wanted. Repeat each exercises 3 times for 15-20 reps. Beauty starts from the inside out. Each day you will be given a delicious Belly Fit recipe to charge up your sexual energy. The best way to improve your SEXINESS is by looking at your lifestyle–and the foundation of your lifestyle is what you eat. If you don’t eat good foods you will experience a decrease in libido, as nutritional deficiencies and poor eating habits adversely affect your hormones, glands, and organs. With just a little care you can easily eat your way back to a great sex life. Make sure to download your SEXYfit Food List and hang it up where you can see it. Add these foods into every meal and bring SEXY back.
Your SEXYfood list download: SEXYfit Food List
The SEXIEST Food of ALL is :
Just in case you missed it….here are the next 14 days of workouts, recipes, and beauty tips.
Where do you Check in to WIN? Checking in is easy! Check in on Instagram using the recommended # (hashtag), in The Belly Fit Club Community (PRIVATE FORUM), on Twitter or Facebook!
Think SEXY beautiful thoughts,