4 simple moves, 1 therapy ball, and 300 calories burned!
Forget the treadmill! Make the most of your workout time combining strength moves in a circuit format to blast calories AND increase lean muscle.
For those of you wanting to take it to the next level and burn 500 calories….
Add these FAT BLASTING moves between each exercise:
1- minute Mountain Sliders:
1-minute Knee Tucks:
1-minute Dumbbell Swing:
1-minute In and Out:
This workout will trim you in 2-WAYS: It will help burn off the fat that is covering your abs and other muscles in the body AND firms the muscles in the body at the same time! Workout SMARTer not HARDER! 🙂
Combine this with our JUMPSTART eating program to DOUBLE team fat and say bye bye to Spanx! 😉