Your 10-Day Detox

Welcome to your 10-Day Body Solution! As you follow the program, you’ll come to understand how the ways you eat, move, relax, live, and think can quickly create either an environment of healing or an environment of toxicity within your body, and set the stage for weight gain or weight loss. For the next 10-days you will witness first hand what it feels like to live well. 

Prep Phase

You’ll need to set aside 2 days to prepare. This phase of the program is super important! Here you will receive suggestions to get you physically and mentally prepared.

The Plan

Are you ready to reduce the risks for acne, anxiety, belly fat, bloating, brain fog, constipation, depression, fatigue, food addiction, food cravings, gas, headaches, heartburn, hot flushes, hyperactivity, inflammation, insomnia, insulin resistance, irritability, irritable bowel IBS, joint pain, mood swings, overweight/obesity, and water retention? 

Health is a state of balance, and disease is a state of imbalance. When you begin to put on weight, especially belly fat, your biology shifts out of balance, veering into the unstable and unhealthy territory of disease – which in turn makes you fatter. Imbalance occurs along a continuum, and the farther along that continuum you are, the more problems you have.


#kristiesbodysolution Results!

After 10-Days on this Program! Read more of what people are saying….

First off, THANK YOU. Thanks to All of You for your comments, your support, your cheers and funny remarks. It most definitely kept me going. And watching many of you push thru your own challenges and your strong determination to keep going kept me motivated for sure! Hats off to all of you!  I learned that I eat at certain times of the day out of the mere “action” of doing so. And not out of being truly hungry. I learned that I think about food, coffee, chocolate and wine 1,318 times a day! I learned that on less food, I’m more productive. My mind is more clear. On a so-so negative, I learned I’m over emotional and over sensitive (sorta like a 6th sense of others aura) during said times of pure clarity. I guess it is me trying to process my own feelings without that “vice”. Which isn’t really a bad thing. It’s helped me learn more about myself. And to end on an even HIGHER NOTE… I did NOT die without cheese, bread, chocolate, wine or coffee these 10 dang days! 👊🏻😂 Thank you TBFC! #blessed#BONUS8poundsdown.



Wow! Who would have thought so much could change in 10 short days. This 10 day detox changed me so much and revealed so much to me. Not only did I lose 10lbs, I discovered what triggers I have that lead me to make bad food decisions. At first I missed and craved chocolate but after day 3 I craved fruit and veggies. I learned when stress hit I wanted bad foods but instead turned to cardio and yoga. I learned to focus on the nutrition my body needed not the temporary comfort of foods to feed an emotional need. I learned to focus more on tasks and be aware of “mindless” snacking. I learned to prepare for any situation so that food options were ready for me when I needed them. Thank you Kristie and Tbfc teammates for helping me be successful!



Well, who would have thunk it! It’s been 24 hrs. since my last meal. Not a true fast, as that wouldn’t be until 6. But still! To do this twice in 10 days kind of blows my mind. I didn’t plan on it, it just happened. Nothing but water and kombucha since 2:00 yesterday. Kristie, I thank you for showing us how to free ourselves from food. Thank us for showing us this ‘alternative’ way to live. I never want to go back to my old ways. I know I haven’t kicked my sugar habit, I’m still looking forward to something sweet this weekend. I can’t lie. But! Now I know what I’m capable of. These 10 days have made me stronger physically and mentally. Thank you



Kristie, this experience has been so eye opening for me! I am amazed at how good I felt once I got past the initial hunger. I learned how little I need to thrive. I learned I eat from habit and boredom.  
I also learned I really need the accountability for working out. If I have to check in daily, I will do it, but it’s easy to make excuses and skip a day when there is no accountability! Thank you so much for all the workout videos, support in answering all our questions and the yummy recipes!😊💜🏋💚💪🏼



I have loved this experience! Even on my days I feel like I failed.. the beautiful thing about those days were that I had you Kristie to push me forward along with all of the other great people in this group! It helped to know everyone was fighting and working towards the same thing and we were being held accountable:) I felt lighter and I felt better when I followed the plan it gave me strength to get healthier and reach my goals. Thank you



First I want to give a BIG THANK YOU to Kristie B.  🙂 Thjs program has been the only one that has ever made a lasting healthy way to go about feeling the best that I can be. This challenge has been AMAZINGLY fun fun fun! This Challenge brought be back to TBFC way of living and I can’t be MORE grateful that I was welcomed back with OPEN ARMS. I CAN live without: Coffee, Dairy,Cheese,Beans. Chocolate (although the jury is still out on that). I CAN do excercises & if I can not there is ALWAYS an alternative to be made. I CAN make it without eating for 24 hours or more. There are so many I CAN’s when I put my mind to it. 



What I learned in these ten days is that I can live without bread and cheese and survive. Learned from yesterday that I may not be able to have beans as my sugar number was up higher this mornings reading but if that is the case I will be okay with that. Thank you Kristie for all your support and love. Going to keep living this way and I lost 3.5 pounds.



And a huge HUGE share of gratitude is owed to you, Kristie for your dedication to making us better for ourselves- and all of us for our support and motivation for one another as a result. 
The most prevalent thing I have learned through this process is that my mind has been so used to/accustomed to “routine” without even thinking it through – that if I stop, and focus more on what I NEED (not just food) I can and will, make much better decisions and choices.
I also find that less is more, now. I’ve always known this, but when you eliminate toxic fillers, it is even easier to feel when you are ‘all good.’  
I like coffee. The taste, the smell, all of it. I don’t ever add any sweetener, just a splash of unsweetened nut milk. But I’m planning to decrease my intake GREATLY after this. And then stop for our Feb 20 event; because I can and it’s a good thing for me. 
I have lost 7lbs, 6oz. Not too shabby! I feel “lighter” and I feel stronger mentally as well as physically.



The 10 day detox was just what I needed. After the holidays I was feeling bloated and tired and as always ,Kristie and TBFC was there when I needed it most. After completing the 10 day detox I feel better. I have more energy and I slept better. What I love about TBFC programs are they are so realistic and attainable. Who doesn’t have 10 days to commit to? What have you got to lose except unwanted weight and inches? Even if you mess up a day no one is going to judge you, they are going to pick you up and get you back on track. They educate you to be able to recognize what triggers your eating habits and help you to break them. The entire experience was so uplifting and invigorating. If you don’t have a good support team at home you sure do here. Everyone inspires each other without evening knowing it. Thank you Kristie and team for having my back and helping me to be able to lose 10.3 lbs in 10 days!! You all rock.


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