Welcome to this 31 day BELLYFIT TRANSFORMATION program!
Every day throughout the month of OCTOBER our 31 DayTRANSFORMATION series will provide an actionable tip aimed to get in the best shape of your life. Also it doesn’t hurt to start the holiday season off to a better, healthier, greener start.
To Keep this simple…..
Below are the meal plan and workout program you will be following. Each week will be different so you don’t get bored. 🙂
Also included in this program is goal setting. Setting goals can often be overwhelming but it’s also easier than you think. See our 7 P’s of Goal Setting 101 to help you get started (below).
NEXT, write down three goals each morning, share them with us on the members only TBFC page on Facebook. We will hold you accountable to reach these goals by the end of each day. 🙂
- make sure the goals are practical and actionable
- develop a step-by-step plan to achieve your goals
It’s usually best to start small — pick easy goals in the beginning.
Goal Setting Tips:
1. Performance based goals
Saying “I want to lose weight” will not cut it. You need to choose what ideal weight you want to achieve and set a timeframe for when you want to achieve it.
2. Prioritize
Prioritize by separating into big goals and little goals. Think of big goals as your overarching goal, e.g., lose 30 lbs in 3 months, and your little goals as goals that you want to meet on a short term basis, e.g., lose 5 lbs in 2 weeks.
3. Positive statements
Positive statements are absolutely vital in achieving your goals. If you want to eat healthier and lose weight make a positive statement like “I will eat more fruits” rather than a negative statement “I will not eat refined sugar.”
4. Picture it
What do you look like when you are 30 lbs thinner? What type of jeans would you look good in? Picture that image of thinner you before you go to sleep every night. You might even want to make a vision board.
5. Prep
What are you going to do to lose those 30 lbs? Do you have a particular diet you’d like to follow? How often are you going to workout? What will be your workout schedule?
6. Passion
Being passionate about achieving your goal is critical in your success. If you’re not passionate about losing weight, what are you going to do when you’re tempted to skip the gym or eat a doughnut?
7. Put Pen to Paper
Write this all down!
Daily movement SHAPES our body. So remember to give that beautiful body of yours some movement each day.

Your workout program FOR WEEK TWO is ready for you to download:
Let’s transform together!!!!
Best of health,