Start today with a 300 calorie burn towards #TBFCsexyfitin14. ♥ After, do the following exercises. ♥Do 20 reps and hold for 1-minute on the plank. ♥Repeat 2-3 times
Bellyfit Workout:
SEXYfit Recipe:
Get GLOWING Gorgeous for Valentines Day
A sexy tan makes everyone look healthy and radiant.
Baking Is Out, Faking Is In
Forget tanning beds. There’s a better way to get that golden glow. Fake it. Bronzers and sunless tanners are safer and faster and can achieve results that are just as beautiful as the real deal. My all time favorite is….
‘Clinique Self Sun’ Body Tinted Lotion’
MEMBERS ♥ ♥ ♥ Check out your video workout uploaded at The Belly Fit Club
Just in case you missed it….here are the next 14 days of workouts, recipes, and beauty tips.
Where do you Check in to WIN? Checking in is easy! Check in on Instagram using the recommended # (hashtag), in The Belly Fit Club Community (PRIVATE FORUM), on Twitter or Facebook!
Think SEXY beautiful thoughts,