1/2 cup of kombucha starter (kombucha from a previous batch, or raw, store-bought kombucha)
Cotton tea towel
2-gallon unleaded glass jar (Pyrex or Anchor-Hocking are best)
Nonmetallic glass measuring cup
Wooden spoon
Paper towels
Glass bottles in which to store the finished tea
* Like a sourdough starter, the kombucha SCOBY is self-replicating: When you finish incubating a batch of tea, your SCOBY grows a “baby,” which you can pass along to a friend or neighbor. (Note: Though some people call the SCOBY a “kombucha mushroom,” it is not, actually, a mushroom).
Before You Start
Before you embark on your first batch, take a few basic precautions. Be sure you live in a hygienic environment. If your house has a mold problem, for example, or if you smoke, it can ruin your kombucha.
Second, use only an unleaded glass jar, since kombucha will leach toxins out of colored glass, metals, and ceramic pots. (This is also why you shouldn’t use a metal measuring cup or metal spoon.)
Brewing How-To
1. Boil one gallon of the water
2. Add tea bags and let steep for 20 or longer (the longer the better).
3. Mix in sugar until dissolved.
4. Cool to room temperature (roughly 3-8 hours).
5. Add kombucha starter and SCOBY to 2-gallon jar.
6. Cover with a clean tea towel and seal with a rubber band.
7. Place in a dark, warm environment (ideally 72 to 80 degrees) for 7 to 14 days.
Let It Brew
Over the course of two weeks, the SCOBY will feed on the sugar and the caffeine, producing acetic, lactic, and other acids as it ferments.
“The ‘buch’ is ready in 8-12 days. Typically, the longer you let it ferment, the less sugar it has (since the SCOBY is consuming the sugar), so if you prefer a sweeter taste, you can bottle it a week or so in.
How to Bottle
When bottling your kombucha, use glass jars and tightly screw plastic lid tops shut, and — if you want bubbles — let the bottles sit outside the fridge for another week or two for a secondary fermentation. To speed up this process, pop in some dried mango or a few raisins. The extra sugar will help with the secondary fermentation (If you do this, you should notice carbonation within three to four days, depending on the temperature.)
To Infuse your Kombucha
We buy RAW GT’s Kombucha (Synergy) at our local grocery store. 1 bottle of store bought kombucha will infuse 6 bottles of your homegrown kombucha. In each bottle, fill with 2 oz store bought kombucha, 1 squirt stevia (optional), and fill your homegrown kombucha to the top. Store in the fridge and drink in the morning on a empty stomach for best results. ❤
What are the health benefits of Kombucha Tea?
Kombucha Health Benefit #1 — Detoxification
Detoxification produces healthy livers and aides cancer prevention. One of kombucha’s greatest health benefits is its ability to detox the body. It is rich in many of the enzymes and bacterial acids your body produces and/or uses to detox your system, thus reducing your pancreatic load and easing the burden on your liver. Kombucha is very high in Glucaric acid, and recent studies have shown that glucaric acid helps prevent cancer. Central to the detoxification process was drinking Kombucha regularly.
Kombucha Health Benefit #2 — Joint Care
Kombucha contains glucosamines, a strong preventive and treatment all forms of arthritis. Glucosamines increase synovial hyaluronic acid production. Hyaluronic acid functions physiologically to aid preservation of cartilage structure and prevent arthritic pain, with relief comparable to NSAIDs and advantage over glucocorticoids. Hyaluronic acid enables connective tissue to bind moisture thousands of times its weight and maintains tissue structure, moisture, lubrication and flexibility and lessens free radical damage, while associated collagen retards and reduces wrinkles.
Kombucha Health Benefit #3 — Aids Digestion and Gut Health
Because it’s naturally fermented with a living colony of bacteria and yeast, Kombucha is a probiotic beverage. This has a myriad of benefits such as improved digestion, fighting candida (harmful yeast) overgrowth, mental clarity, and mood stability. As such, it’s noted for reducing or eliminating the symptoms of fibromyalgia, depression, anxiety, etc.
Kombucha Health Benefit #4 — Immune Boosting
Kombucha is extraordinarily anti-oxidant rich, and you all know the benefits of anti-oxidants for boosting your immune system and energy levels.