Jumpstart 4 Women {day twenty}

Day Twenty

We’ve made it to day twenty! Now, that doesn’t mean we haven’t had any bumps in the road along the way.  It’s completely normal to slip up once in a while.  The most important thing is that you kept going and never gave up.  What I love about Jumpstart is that it can be repeated over and over again.  Each time is easier and soon you don’t have to think about it.  You just live it! 🙂

 After 30-minutes of cardio do the following…

Today’s exercises are: 




One Arm Row: With a Dumbbell or band in your left hand, step the right leg forward into a lunge position.  Straighten the left arm so that its hanging right under your left shoulder. With your palm facing in, use your back muscles to pull the weight up keeping your elbow tucked in and pointing straight up towards the ceiling. Do 15 reps on each arm



One Leg Glute Lifts:  You’ll need to use more of your core to stabilize your body while doing this exercise.  You Pilates ladies should have no problem with this.  This one is simple in that all you do is lift your hips up as far as you can. Please use both legs if you’re not ready  for one leg. Listen to your body. Do 10 reps on each leg. 

Spinal Balance 1

Spinal Balance with Knee Tuck2 (1)Spinal Balance with Knee Tuck: Extend opposite arm to leg out as shown above and then tuck the extended arm and leg in to touch the elbow to the knee. Do 10 reps on each side. 

 Repeat the strength exercises 3 times from top to bottom.

Stress is often mistaken for hunger. If you find yourself falling apart after work or late at night its most likely stress that is the cause.  Instead when you feel the urge to eat, take a few deep breathes, do some Yoga, or meditate. If its late at night, make herbal tea like Yogi Brand De-Stress Lavender Honey, and go to bed. 

Todays Meal Plan:

Upon Waking: Warm Water with Lemon

First thing in stomach: Green Lemonade 

(note: if you are a coffee drinker you are going to love our TBFC Coffee and can have this at this time) 

15-30 minutes later: Pumpkin Pie in a Bowl

Take in a Probiotic: Kombucha is great!  

How Great is Kombucha? Check this out———-> BENEFITS OF KOMBUCHA

2-3 hours later….

Lunch: Raw Goat Cheese Lettuce Wraps 

Dessert: Herbal Tea with 1-2 squares 80% Dark Chocolate

2-3 hours later: Have more of what you had for lunch or Green Lemonade

Dinner: Start with Raw Goat Cheese or any Raw Cheese and have with sliced tomatoes and a glass of red wine if desired. This will curb your appetite and relax you as you prepared dinner. 

Main Course: Mexican Cauliflower Rice Bowl topped with the Creamy Cilantro Avocado Dressing

Dessert: Herbal Tea with 1-2 squares 80% Dark Chocolate


Kick Off Tip: Look at your tongue. Teeth Marks around the side of the tongue are a sign of nutritional deficiency.  The likelihood is that your digestion is also impaired and you have a spleen deficiency. Sluggish spleen function is very common.  Around 70 percent of those I meet for the first time suffer from it.  If your spleen is weak you probably put up with gas and bloating. 


Yellow Squash
Root Vegetables
 Sweet potatoes
Leafy Greens
Kale Chard


Are the best to help nourish the body.  As you can see, these are all Jumpstart foods.  More than just a great weight loss program, Jumpstart is also a fantastic health building program. 

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