Green is Good Chapter 1 Reasons to go RAW
Green is Good Chapter 2 Get the GLOW
Green is GOOD Chapter 3 The Dry Brushing Technique
Green is Good Chapter 4 The TOOLS
Green is Good Chapter 5 The ESSENTIALS
Green is Good Chapter 6 (food combining made simple)
Green is Good Chapter 7 Daily Meal Plan
***NOTE: All recipes and grocery lists can be viewed on my book found at
Always start your day at noon with a cleansing, refreshing, juice to hydrate and energize the body.
Green is Good Chapter 9 Let’s Move!
Green is Good Adventures in PureBODY
Green is Good About the Author
A closing Note
Women have no idea how their body is suppose to feel. My gratitude for this program is beyond words. Now that my body always feels terrific and youthful, I never worry about growing old, putting on weight, disease, or how I’m going to look in a bathing suit. It’s so liberating! As you follow this program you will reclaim the body and health that are your birthright. You will know and feel how wonderful and beautiful your body is suppose to feel!
GLOW RAW and live in body BLISS!
Why you’re going to love this program!
I couldn’t wait to post this–down 6lbs this week!! Yeah!!! Thank you Kristie Belliston for your suggestions, it worked! It’s day 18 of 100% RAW and I feel so balanced. You all are such a blessing to me, thank you to all of you for inspiring me.
Mentally I feel better….more energy, calmer, just more peaceful (not to sound corny). Before I started this program I kept thinking, I’m going to be starving over the next 30 days but I actually felt more content & stable eating this way. So I will continue to eat raw until dinner and see where it takes me! One more thing…the food was so delicious I HONESTLY never felt “deprived”. I’m not trying to make it sound like a cake walk because it’s not when your family is eating meat/dairy every day and your surrounded by their food that you cooked for them but I definitely think if your clear on why you’re doing it that it’s doable.
Well….it’s the end of my 30 days. Total I lost 18 lbs. Woo woo!!! I feel Sooo great! And so thankful for the motivation everyone gave me!
I’m so happy I was able to be part of this program. I lost a total of 11 lbs. I struggled on some days at work because food is always around especially during the holidays. I’ve just began and I have 20 to go. Can’t wait to see what the future holds, Kristie.
Thank-You Kristie and Ryan! Wow I didn’t realize how bad it was ( it’s also a really bad picture of me but shows how big I was). 15 more to go and back on focus! Thanks!
Here are my before and after photos. Eyes are bigger and brighter (no red eye), and my skin is clear. Yet, more than how I look is how I feel. I feel ‘enlightened,’ more energized, happier (I think people don’t fully realize that what they eat can affect their moods), and finally, for the first time in my life, I feel a greater sense of control in all areas of my life. I’ve also experienced tremendous improvement with my skin and energy levels. I wasn’t in it for weight loss. And though I didn’t lose much weight I lost 2 inches in my waist, which shows the great amount of fat loss. My strength actually improved and the energy I had while working out was AMAZING!!!! ♥ Bottom line: I feel so much more alive. xoxo Thank you for your support! This was a lot of fun! ♥ ♥ ♥