SEXY Sweet Smoothie ♡
2014-01-30 17:58:13

Serves 2
Bananas are a great source of B-group vitamins and potassium, both used in sex hormone production. Vitamin B also helps maintain energy levels. SEXYtip: Bananas help boost the male libido.♡
- 1-2 bananas
- 2 green apples
- 1 handful kale
- 2 handfuls spinach
- 1 squirt Stevia
- 1/2 tsp cinnamon
- 1 cup Ice
- 1 Cup water
- 1 Cup Hemp or Almond Milk (Hemp tastes best)
- In a Vitamix blender, put ice and remaining ingredients and blend on high until smooth and creamy (1 minute)
- A delicious way to get your greens in. 🙂
The Belly Fit Club http://thebellyfitclub.com/wordpress/